Discovering Venus
In March, I was sick for two weeks and staying isolated from the rest of the clan at home. My leather easy chair was where you would find me much of the time. I moved it about two feet from its regular spot in the family room so that I could have a better view of the television. An unintentional benefit of the move was that I began noticing a bright spot in the sky each evening, and with a little Googling, I discovered that spot was Venus.
It’s funny how changing your position can give you a different perspective. Let’s face it, COVID has given all of us new ways to think about a lot of things. Being home every evening without many distractions led me to look for the planet each night after dark. Managing through the good days, the bad days, and “ok” days of quarantine, it has been comforting to see this faithful beacon in the western sky.
Over these weeks, Venus provided me with an unwavering reminder that there are a few things that we can still rely on, and God’s creation is one of them. What do you notice now that you didn't notice before that encourages or sustains you during this time?