I Speak Your Language

I Speak Your Language

I have always admired people who can speak multiple languages. Maybe your parents are from the “old country” or maybe you have had the amazing experience of living in different areas of the world. I am fascinated by people who can seamlessly jump from one language to another without missing a beat.

However, sometimes individuals who are so talented speaking in various languages find it challenging to effectively communicate in written English. There are many complex grammar rules (always, it seems, with exceptions), colloquialisms, homonyms, and words that are spelled nothing near the way they are pronounced. I’m talking about you, “epitome,” “colonel,” and “queue”!

Would you like to develop blog posts, newsletters, case studies, and various other communications, but hesitate because of the language challenge? Let’s work together. I’ll manage the English...and maybe you can give me a few lessons on speaking in your native tongue!