The Paperback Throwback

The Paperback Throwback

Sitting on the train the other morning, I opened a book. A real paperback, not a Kindle. The kind of summer read that I enjoyed before kids, work, and a continual online presence had pushed Harper Collins to the bottom of my backpack for years. This year, I am making a point to get reacquainted with this evasive endeavor that has become a gratifying activity when I have a few minutes of time.

The commute passed by in a flash as I got absorbed in the story, and I have to say, the experience was appreciated and my mind was refreshed because it had nothing to do with a keyboard or a screen for a full 45 minutes.

All the self-help or life coaches in the world will tell you to take a few minutes for yourself each day, and I agree. Giving my head that escape break was just what I

needed to enhance my morning and motivate me throughout the day. Now the trick is to make a point of doing something like that every day of the week. So this blog is short...I’m going to read my book!